Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tried it Tuesday- Class Biographies


I have been in love with the interactive notebook pages Erin from I'm Lovin Lit has created. They are extremely well thought out and the kids love using them! If you teach language arts and you haven't checked out her site you need to do so ASAP.

My Tried it Tuesday comes from using one of her interactive writing notebook pages. As we progress to the end of the year one of my favorite activities is creating a class biography book for the kids to take as a memento of their time here at school. Leaving the calm (she says sarcastically), safe environment of a K-8 school to the hustle and bustle of the high school can leave my little babies with major anxiety.  Their whole world is going to be shaken up!

The first step in the process was to use Erin's writing notebook page on writing in sequential order. The students organized, read and analyzed an exemplar text on the life of President Barack Obama.

Once they have grasped the concept of writing in chronological order I explain the project: The Class of 2014 Biography Book.

They will need to write out interview questions to ask someone in the class. They should be specific and detailed in their questions as we want a well rounded biography about the persons life and interests beyond their favorite food and color. Then I handed each student a playing card and told them that they would be interviewing the person who had the matching card. I have to say I was HIGHLY impressed with some of the questions they were asking as I wandered around the classroom. "What was the best memory you have from your childhood?" and  "What qualities do you hope your future spouse has?" were just a few of the gems I heard.

Our next steps will be to start drafting timelines and rough copies of their biographies. I will share pictures of the final products once it gets closer to the end of the year.

Have a great Tuesday!!

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