Sunday, May 11, 2014

Liebster Award !!


Hi all! So I while I was away on our class trip to SeaWorld (more on that soon!) I got the coolest email- it was from Mrs. Spangler of Mrs.Spangler in the Middle  and she was informing me she nominated my lil ole blog for an award!
The rules for accepting this award are:
1.  Link back to the person who nominated me:  Mrs.Spangler in the Middle 
2.  Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers.
3.  Answer the questions posted for me by my nominator.
4.  Share 11 random facts about myself.
5.  Contact my nominees to let them know I nominated them.
Answers to Mrs. Spanglers' 11 questions:

1.  What is the best thing about blogging?
Discussing and collaborating with other teachers 

2.  How do you manage your time to get all the blogging activity you want to do "in"?
I try and make a little bit of time at night before bed when I can . It gets really hard during the school year trying to fit everything in! 

3.  What is your best community building tip?
Overnight trips are a great way to build comminity! The kids bond and work on team building skills. 

4.  What do you like best about teaching?
Watching students grow and mature into young adults

5.  What would you do if you couldn't teach?
Event Planner - Social Worker 

6.  Do you have class pets?
NO - Not a big fan of many animals 

7.  What is your best engagement strategy?
Video clips to teach a strategy- My kiddos LOVE them! 

8.  What is your best "go-to" teaching resource (besides TpT)?
A to Z Teacher stuff - Pinterest 

9.  What teaching organizations do you belong to?

10.  What is your favorite thing to do to de-stress?
Yoga, walk, or read 

11.  What is your idea of an ideal vacation?
Beach! Sun! Sightseeing!  

11 Facts About Me: 
1. I am from a small suburb in Ohio 
2. I graduated with a dual degree in Elementary Education and Special Education 
3. I AM TERRIFIED of Cats ....and birds ...and  well many different animals but cats are the worst!
4. I love salted caramel 
5.  Moving to AZ was the hardest and BEST decision I have ever made 
6.  I have one brother and one sister 
7. I love decorating my house! 
8. Am horrible at math! :( 
9. Love teaching middle school! They are by far my favorite grade level
10. Graduated in Dec with my masters in Educational Leadership 
11. Love to read young adult literature up on my list "The Fault in Our Stars"...a pick made for me by most of my 8th graders

 Blogs I have Nominated:

Teaching With the Middle Sister

Questions for my Nominees
1.  What is your favorite lesson (that you have taught) ?
2. Why is your school amazing?
3. Finish the sentence: When my students leave my room I hope that they...
4. What goals and ambitions do you have beyond teaching?
5. What is your favorite household chore?
6. What grade level do you teach and what is your favorite thing about that age?
7. What is your favorite tv show?
8. Who is the most influential person in your life so far?
9. Left Brain or Right Brain
10. Do you have a class pet?
11. Summer is almost here ...what do you plan on doing?

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